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We create cultures where employees love to work, learn, connect & succeed.

With Maestro, our clients use social employee recognition to strengthen the bond between managers and their teams; and the relationship between employees and their companies. 


Today's managers, tomorrow's mentors

Transforming your managers into mentors is critical for your business to thrive and grow. This means your employee engagement strategy should play an important role in developing key mentorship skills, such as:


  • Identifying employee excellence

  • Observing performance and behavioral obstacles

  • Giving behavior & performance-based recognition

  • Helping employees improve their skills and performance

Reinforce a sense of belonging


In order for employees to be connected to each other and your company, they first have to feel as though they belong. Thatʼs why itʼs so important for employees to actively participate in your culture of social recognition in order to experience firsthand what it means to not only belong, but have a sense of purpose, too. Through the Activity Stream, for example, employees can be connected to the person sitting next to them and to team members thousands of miles away overseas.

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Emphasize inclusion and diversity

Today, companies must think beyond the traditional definition of diversity in the workplace. The most successful companies embrace diversity of thought, where different points of view are encouraged and celebrated. When employees feel they have a voice, even when it’s different from others, they will particpate, they will be engaged and they will contribute to your company in ways that are impactful and meaningful.


Madison creates cultures where employees love to work, learn, connect & succeed. 


As a global leader in Social Employee Recognition, Madison delivers intuitive and multi-faceted Recognition, Incentive, and Service Anniversary programs powered by Maestro, our uniquely configurable cloud-based SaaS technology.


With Maestro, our clients use social employee recognition to strengthen the bond between managers and their teams; and the relationship between employees and their companies.



315 Madison Avenue

New York, NY 10017



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