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6 Tips for Bridging the Gap Between Remote Employees

September 6, 2018 | By Madison

In 2018, 63% or about two-thirds of companies have remote workers. By 2020, more than half of the U.S. workforce will be working remotely. There are many benefits to letting your employee’s work remotely, such as employee satisfaction, reductions in attrition, increased productivity and improved overall performance. Companies can benefit by lessening the on-site expenses and having a larger talent pool. After all, it’s a lot more cost effective to let someone work from where they’re already located, rather than pay to relocate them somewhere new.

However, when you begin to diversity your workforce a new challenge arises. How do you keep your remote employees engaged and working as a team with your on-site staff?

This infographic will explore the 6 tips to keep your remote employees engaged.


Madison creates cultures where employees love to work, learn, connect & succeed. 


As a global leader in Social Employee Recognition, Madison delivers intuitive and multi-faceted Recognition, Incentive, and Service Anniversary programs powered by Maestro, our uniquely configurable cloud-based SaaS technology.

With Maestro, our clients use social employee recognition to strengthen the bond between managers and their teams; and the relationship between employees and their companies.



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