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Redefining the Art of Continuous Communications

July 14, 2016 | By Mike Ryan

Whether it’s for an employee recognition or a sales incentive program, communications set the stage for success. They foster an actionable understanding of what the program’s goals and objects are; they encourage participation, drive performance and help celebrate achievements.

So what are the best practices for creating communications that serve both your program and its participants on a continuous basis?

In this month’s White Paper, we explore:

  • How to redefine the art of continuous communications

  • Why communications ​should be ​an ongoing activity

  • Using a broad mix of media ​to keep messages authentic and purposeful

  • Leveraging social recognition to encourage communication


Madison creates cultures where employees love to work, learn, connect & succeed. 


As a global leader in Social Employee Recognition, Madison delivers intuitive and multi-faceted Recognition, Incentive, and Service Anniversary programs powered by Maestro, our uniquely configurable cloud-based SaaS technology.

With Maestro, our clients use social employee recognition to strengthen the bond between managers and their teams; and the relationship between employees and their companies.



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